Customs formalities

La douane a pour mandat de contrôler l’accès de vos marchandises internationales sur le territoire national et de s’assurer de la régularité des transactions internationales.
Pour bénéficier des facilités offertes par les accords douaniers conclus entre l’Union Européenne et les autres pays votre transport international de marchandises doit absolument être conforme à la réglementation douanière.

Trade in goods between countries is subject to customs declaration.

We can distinguish, on the one hand, import and export to countries outside the European Union, and on the other hand, intra-community trade.
The customs treatment of a good (i.e. whether it is subject to duties and which ones) depends on 3 elements to be declared: the tariff species, the origin and the customs value.

The International Group is also a global network of agents strategically located in the main international airports and ports.

This global presence of expert agents guarantees the continuity of your supply chain by ensuring for you, with local customs, the management of your import and transit formalities for your goods at destination while respecting your shipping incoterms.