Présentés à l’Europack Euromanut CFIA 2019, les robots escaladeurs innovants, Invert Robotics simplifient l’inspection des équipements dans l’industrie des produits alimentaires et des boissons, et notamment de l’industrie laitière et des produits dérivés du lait.
Ses robots escaladeurs sophistiqués peuvent accomplir ce qu’aucune autre méthode d’inspection ne peut réaliser, notamment sur les surfaces non ferreuses. Ils fournissent un diagnostic précis à 360 degrés, ce qui permet de repérer plus rapidement les fissures et les défauts des équipements.
Les robots sont équipés de ventouses coulissantes et adhèrent à la plupart des surfaces non magnétiques. Ils offrent une grande manœuvrabilité et peuvent procéder à une inspection sous tous les angles, même la tête en bas.
Each robot is equipped with high definition cameras and detection technology, in order to offer a scientific analysis of the quality of the equipment. "Our robots provide detection with far more precision than a human could. This level of results remains unmatched anywhere in the world, "said Gilles Gauderlot, director of business development for Invert Robotics in France and in southern Europe. Robotic inspections minimize human presence in areas dedicated to the product. They thus limit the risks linked to product hygiene, and avoid any contamination of human origin.
Staff receive video images in real time, and no longer need to take risks by climbing with scaffolding or ropes, or remain trapped in confined spaces: they stay on the ground, safely .
An inspection by a climbing robot takes an average of two hours, including installation time. Operators can quickly identify faults, and customers can follow the operation in real time. A photographic report is provided within 72 hours.
Invert Robotics robots allow better control of the maintenance schedule. Equipment inspection is more precise and simpler; we are informed of cracks and surface defects as soon as they appear, which allows us to choose the most suitable response according to the calendar.
The 1st Delta robot in the new DR range : Fanuc, leader in robotics presented the DR-3iB / 8L, the first Delta robot in its new DR range, several months before its official release in early 2020.
This new DR range of Delta robots has been specially designed to maximize speed and versatility in picking and packaging applications for many industrial sectors. This new series, which will eventually replace the Delta Fanuc M2iA and M3iA robot ranges, increases payload and inertia and offers the longest range of all Delta Fanuc robots: 1600 mm.
The DR-3iB / 8L is the first in the DR range. With 4 axes, it offers a repeatability of + or - 0.03mm and a linear speed of 10,000mm / sec. Its new design and its design eliminating retention areas, make it easier to program, clean and sanitize, in compliance with the strictest food safety regulations. Advantages that will allow it to be used in the food industry in its "Primary Food" version which will be available during 2020.